Glorious Glitches

There's something quite beautiful and horrifying about video games. Through nothing more than a series of numbers and algorithm's in specific sequences you can generate engaging and breathtaking visuals and worlds...while at the same time one minor coding error where maybe one character or number is altered and the entire thing can turn into some nightmare inducing monster. Glitches, bugs, errors. They all go by many names but many gamers have encountered them usually at least once in their life times. Some glitches can be helpful, little exploits that make the game more fun, challenging or really easy. Many speed runners get a kick out of finding these glitches and practically breaking the game in order to complete the game in the fastest time possible. Some glitches however can be very frustrating to encounter, making things more of a hassle to deal with. Others can just make a complete mess of the visuals and make some hilarious results.

Most glitches are often the result of an oversight by the developers, something that perhaps slipped through the testing phase, some being random while others being able to be triggered on purpose. One of the most famous examples of a glitch that can be recreated over and over is the famous "missingno" glitch from Pokemon. A quirk in the game's system that after a specific series of events can force the game to load up data from an empty space within the game. The game hasn't a clue what to do with the empty data so just seems to pull a strange assortment of pixels with weird stats and abilities and gives it the missingnumber name. This glitch in Red and Blue could actually be used in helpful ways, having the glitched Pokemon clone various items in the players inventory to get an unlimited supply of rarer items like Master Balls or Rare Candy's. However it can also be used to break the game or even corrupt your save file if not careful. This thing while useful, can cause some really odd looking graphical effects as a result of it's corrupted existence.

It isn't just older games that have issues like these, many modern games can come out with some unusual bugs too. One that sticks out in my memory is the infamous faceless glitch from Assassins Creed Unity. This bug seemed to happen for no particular reason and was just a failing on the game's part to load textures properly, the results are quite creepy to look at. From 1:03 onwards you can see the character models in the game losing most of their face, with only an eerie set of eyes, gums and hair floating in their place. Of course, many bugs like this can be fixed in later game updates and patches, but for a while they can leave odd first impressions.

Another one from a game that came out last console generation was for Fallout New Vegas. The game opens up with a little flashback of the main character being shot in the head execution style by one of the game's villains. The player wakes up at a doctor' clinic being told that you miraculously survived the gunshot and that the good doctor believes you'll have no permanent brain damage...well...he says that but for players who picked up this game for the first time before this glitch was patched out they may have found the doctors words hard to believe.

Kind of hard to take the word that your head seems to be fine from someone who's own head is spinning in place and seems to be able to levitate. Some players thought originally that it was actually intentional as a means of showing to the player hallucinations but the developers had to patch it out later so the experience wasn't impacted by floating Exorcist style doctors.

To wrap up I think I'll post a funny little glitch in Team Fortress 2 I spotted not that long ago. One of the players on our team during the Mann vs Machine Robot survival mode was playing as a Spy. Now Spy is able to disguise himself as enemies, including enemy robots. When we had completed the mission however Spy's disguise seemed to bug out a little bit. Instead of just showing Spy posing in all his glory for having won the mission, we instead see a Spy who looks as though he pinched some of the Robot Medic robot's body parts, even going as far as to steal his little robot wheel lower body. Makes it look like Spy just decided he got tired of walking around and was going to use a glorious make shift Segway instead!

The Segway Spy

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