Free To Play Fun - InflationRPG

It isn't very often you get a good free to play game. Usually they have a habit of claiming they are free and then if you actually want to play the content on it for more than 2 minutes you'll need to start paying an arm and a leg. However over the past year I have found 2 fun

free RPG games for my Android phone that have helped let the hours go by very quickly and don't feel anywhere near as limiting as other Free to Play Games.

Title Screen for Game
The first I wanted to talk about is a small indie title called "InflationRPG". It's a rather simple little RPG game where you must traverse a large landscape of various enemy levels with the intention of levelling up, but not just level up a few times. The entire point of the game is to try and reach as high a level as possible within a limited number of battles. Battle Points (BP) decrease by 1 every time you win a random battle and its up to you to try and pick and choose your battles to get as much experience as possible each time before your battle points run out. As you level up you can travel into more higher level area's that have tougher enemies and give more experience. Levelling up allows you to boost each of your different stats however you please in order to combat the tougher enemies. While you can't actually control your character in battle and rely solely on luck in their fights of melee only attacks it can be quite exciting watching your little character duke it out with the various odd monster designs and hope it comes out on top, if you allocate your stat points properly then they will win most battles. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can attempt to fight the games many boss battles to not only boost BP and allow yourself more battles after a victory, but also to unlock even more areas that are higher level.

Various areas of different enemy levels
plus a big looming dragon boss
Everything in this game is about increasing numbers to ridiculous degree's. You gain literally hundreds of thousands of experience almost every battle and can level up several hundred times in one fight that it becomes so ludicrous. When your battle points finally do run out, your level is tallied up as a score and all gold obtained for the victories can be spent on permanent item upgrades your character has available for the next time you play. Every time you will gradually be able to reach a higher level with each play through and will allow you to obtain more gold each time and unlock and purchase better items. You'll be setting personal level records in the thousands pretty quickly. Yes the game is extremely simple with not much complexity and no real end goal aside from beating your personal records and getting all the items, but what's great about it is that it's F2P game with absolutely no microtransactions what so ever. It doesn't matter how often you play it or how many times you want to keep redoing a playthrough, you don't have to spend a single penny nor are you restricted to any kind of set time limit where you need to wait before being able to play again. Sure, you'll have to sit with the occasional advert in the top or bottom banner but that's about it. There are no restrictions on the gameplay itself. Super simple, but for something that's free and not a ripoff it's a good little time waster with some surprisingly catchy music.

Now I was going to talk about another game in this post but I felt it should maybe get a post of it's own to go into more detail so instead I'll just save that for tomorrow. For now though, I will recommend that if you are a fan of simplistic RPG games or are just looking for a good way of passing a few minutes while waiting at a bus stop then I would check out InflationRPG. It is basically nothing but pure level grinding, but it's surprisingly addicting and feels very rewarding when your tactics in picking your correct stats and best route to level up resultin in you beating your own record. I'll just leave you with the main battle music for the game which has been stuck in my head for months now.

 Feel FREE to check out the game on Android and IOS...haha...geddit?
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