Stuff I want to talk about...eventually

Been finding myself rather busy the past few days with organising University work, my part time job and trying to keep up to date with TV shows (totally as important as the other two things I swear).

As I'm busy organising other things I've been trying to think of some specific gaming related topics I want to get around to. Some of it is about my own personal experience (games I've played/that have impacted me), issues in the industry, good things in the industry, upcoming game releases I'm looking forward to. So for this post I'm just going to fire off a few future topic suggestions I want to get around to or can refer to if I can't think of a topic on some days. These aren't in any order of importance and are just off the top of my head.

Pokemon - Juggernaut of a game series that was one of the first things I ever played. I was around when it first exploded into the West and it was literally everywhere, back then it was like the Minions or Frozen of its day (in terms of how popular it was and how many things in shops had Pokemon plastered all over them)

Console Wars - The constant ongoing rivalry between console developers and their respective fanbases.

Game Genres - Bringing up some of the most common genre of games and what the difference is between Game Genres and Film Genres.

Movies Based on Games - Mostly about why they suck.

Konami Today  - Mostly about why they suck too.

Konami Years Ago - Okay to be clear Konami didn't always suck, in fact they were amazing once

Graphics vs Artsyle - Details about the two and how sometimes one looks better than the other or when the two go hand in hand.

Music - Video Games have produced some of THE catchiest pieces of music in recent years and I want to explore why some music will stick in your head on repeat for weeks while others won't.

Gaming Culture - This is a big one, will probably split it up more. From internet memes to gamer logic.

Let's Player's - Something unique to gaming that differs from other mediums, individuals who will film themselves playing a game for the entertainment of others. I'd like to talk about why this is so popular and why it's such a huge part of the gaming community, especially on Youtube.

Video Game Reviews - Sometimes I might just want to talk about a specific game I've played, good or bad.

Marketing and Advertising - Talking about some interesting marketing campaigns or advertisements for games over the years. The good the bad and the cringey

Again this isn't meant to be any concrete plan to commit to, just a few ideas off the top of my head I might want to start talking about in the future in more detail. I might come up with more as time goes on. Or realise how unoriginal I am and repeat topics and revert back to rolling my face against the keyboard until something that can be classed as literate is posted.

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