Street Fighter V hype!

So yesterday I picked up my long awaited copy of the latest instalment in the iconic Fighting game series Street Fighter. A game series that had set the standard for fighting games and became a source of inspiration for many projects years later.

The idea is straight forward enough, the games centres around 1 vs 1 battles between Players or CPU's who each select a character from the games colourful roster of characters. Each player then proceeds to try and deplete the opponents health bar through any means their character possibly can within the time limit and the first to deplete the opponents health bar to net a Knockout or to have more of their health bar left than their opponent by the end of the round is the winner. Some people may look at this game and just think it's a case of button mashing to victory and depending on the skill level of both opponents it pretty much will be. However, when both players know what they are doing and know what they're characters are capable of, the game turns into this highly complex battle of wits, reactions and instincts as the players constantly try to predict their opponents next move in order to land a hit. Anyone who's ever watched expert level Street Fighter competitions can experience some of the most exciting and edge of your seat moments of any medium as the two players try to get into the others head.

What else do people love about the series? Well, the characters. Street Fighter has a huge number of diverse characters from all over the globe, each representing a unique form of fighting style or fighting discipline. Whether it's stoic masters of karate, the classy gentlemanly handlebar moustachiod boxer, the honourable yet hard hitting Sumo's or loud and over the top spandex wearing Pro Wrestlers Street Fighter as a series always has at least one character or fighting style that suits the player. Whether it's their personality, the way they play or just their design there's always a character one can find appealing in some way. Some players want to play characters who can just throw fireball projectiles all day, other players want to play in your face close range fighters who constantly chase down their foe to try force them to make a mistake that they can capitalise on, some like tactical characters who use a mix of different styles which may lack in power or speed but give them more options in battle and others may like the big hulking grappler characters who's main draw is having a high damaging unblockable grab move at the cost of being rather slow and having to find ways of getting close to characters with more ranged attacks. I myself like to play as one of said big grappler characters. The huge hairy chested mohawked Russian Wrestler Zangief, there's something rather satisfying about working your way past all the projectiles and long ranged moves of other fighters to finally get close and cartoonishly suplexing their face directly into the floor (and by into the floor I literally mean IN to the floor, they get suplexed so hard the opponents upper half is actually embedded into the ground with their legs poking out the surface)

Trying to get past the classic fireball attack

Being able to do this once you get close is worth it

I think one huge aspect that makes this series so fun is human element. I already mentioned earlier that having two players of equal skill battle it out is exciting to be a part of or watch because one mistake of screw up could cost someone the match in a flash and it's that tension and excitement that keeps us on the edge of our seats. If a player can't keep a level head and analyse what they're opponent is up to then they're going to get steam rolled, practice makes perfect in these kinds of games. Learning what each character can or can't do and how to apply that to a match is what makes a great player and going in merely mashing buttons and hoping for the best is likely going to have your character chewing on the tarmac in no time. To anyone who wants to get into this game be sure to check out combo videos and character guides online, knowing your character is the first thing to get you started and from there on you can hone your skills in order to accomplish anything. Best of luck fellow Street Fighter Fans!

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