Weird Game Logic

There's something amusing about thinking of how game settings and mechanics would work if applied to the real world, in that they simply wouldn't.

Like how a (usually mute) protagonist is often free to simply walk into a complete strangers home and raid their cupboards or smash up their furniture for things to stuff into their travel bag. Guess being the hero of the land comes with the privilege of being able to steal everyone's life savings and sell their favourite shirt to the local shopkeeper. I can imagine the shopkeeper getting some strange looks from the townsfolk when he goes to the pub and they start asking why they don't refuse to do business with such an obvious antisocial thief.

I find it funny also in fighting games where two opponents can spend a good minute beating the living snot out of one another until one of them is actually K.O'd. Like, genuinely beaten unconscious and then about a second later when the announcer screams ROUND 2 all those previous wounds and head trauma miraculously disappear and the two opponents politely stand up ready for another go. Like do the two of them just sort of look at each other and pretend that the few moments beforehand where they were likely punching each others teeth out just never happened because they don't want to make the scenario awkward?

On that note, on other games where the player and enemy take turns to battle one another....well why would they do that? Why would you just awkwardly stand still and wait for your opponent to spend about 30 seconds thinking about what their going to do and watching them casually walk up to you to hit you before they return back to the starting position and wait for you to do the same thing. It's like some strange chivalry even if the scenario is supposed to be something like a security guard stopping a thief.

Platform protagonists must have it even weirder. They have to put up with some of the worst designed buildings and pathways in existence. It's as if the architect must have decided that having several 20ft walls directly in someones footpath, not uncommonly far from a bottomless pit, is either a good idea or some stroke of artistic genius. What's even stranger is the protagonists not only put up with this but they actively have a compulsion to try and power through it. Any normal person would look at the obvious flaw of having a set of hurdles sticking out the ground and realised the contractors have seriously ballsed up and would just walk around the obstacle while writing a very angry letter to the council to sack it's roadworkers for making such a screw up of the pavement. You'd think Super Mario would have the common sense to see that him attempting some olympic triple jump just to get to his girlfriends castle would be way too much hassle and just call up a taxi and save himself spraining an ankle.
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